Sandy Toes

The year was 2011 and also my brothers 40th birthday. My big brother, who had been living in the tropical island of São Tomé e Príncipe for some time, was going to celebrate the big 40 alone… We weren’t going to let that happen. So, we decided it was the perfect opportunity for a crazy adventure.
My husband, our 2-year-old, our 84-year-old grandmother and I decided to get on a plane and surprise him.

But the adventure started before we left the ground. Turns out, our plane was departing from the furthest terminal available, let’s round it up to a 20 minute walk (not to bad you might say if you forget our toddler and our grandmother!) We asked for a wheel chair, but grandma Gina, being herself was outraged and demanded to walk like everyone else because she, was not old enough for a wheel chair! (turns out the following couple of days her legs disagreed and we could tell she was exhausted).

We barely made it before closing doors! But we did and it was well worth the effort… to see my brother´s face when we got off that plane and when grandma finally came down the stairs… pure joy… and grandma Gina with such a proud look upon her face, for she had made it!
One of those moments that last forever in our memories.

It was a beautiful trip, we travelled all around the island and fell in love with it. This picture of sandy toes, was taken at our favorite beach on the south of the island, called Praia Piscina. A gorgeous almost untouched piece of paradise. We were relieved to find that my brother wasn’t alone, he had gathered a family away from home. A family of good, genuine friends. Both families got together and celebrated my brothers 40th birthday.
It was a beautiful trip, and also our beloved grandma Gina’s last.

Story by Joana